
My Beloved Son

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yesterday was was's Palm everyday, we went to visit you in the cemetary and we left palms on your grave......I know YOU wouldn't ever want me to feel this sad...but I can't help it...I do, afterall, I loved you...Dad told me today he thought I was an amazing mother to you and your brother...we went grocery shopping and all I could think of was what I would normally be buying for you...I knew you inside out, upside down...and you lived with it's harder than some situations...I still have to walk by your bedroom...and I close the door because I cannot face seeing your things...the little notes...the CD's...your bed...without you in's difficult...and I can't spend time downstairs much...because I think of you being down there...doing your things...recording music...strumming on the guitar...but then I read the grieving booklets that friends gave me...and realize these feelings are normal....these varying feelings are normal...for people who never had to face something like this...well, they cannot truly even imagine...loss...

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