
My Beloved Son

Saturday, June 12, 2010

....almost approaching us is the forth month, without difficult to believe...waking each day with our first thoughts of you and going to sleep each evening with you in our minds, as we try and drift off to sleep...your friends still trickle through our home...almost daily, last evening it was Dunbar (King Dunbar) as you'd call him...he seems lost here without you...the absence is so's such a strange feeling to see him come here without you and your silly remarks that you could bounce off each other...he told me something that made think long...and deeply...we spoke of you and the dare devil you could be...he told me "you were the gas...and he was the brakes" live each day with your foot on the accelerator...I'm not even sure if you looked in the rearview fast was your motto...oh if you only knew what effect your loss has placed upon all of those who loved, I live with my foot on the brakes...actually...I think I ride the brakes...always have and I think they are many other like were the rare you're riding on clouds.....

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