
My Beloved Son

Friday, December 17, 2010

It's only after we 've lost everything that we're free to do anything...
Re: Adam
"I had the pleasure of taking two college courses with your son ...There isn't really one thing (it was many things) that Adam did that changed my life... it was just him....his aura.... his character his smile.... Adam was always a jolly fellow and never really let things get to him. He showed me that sometimes it is okay to not have control over everything in your life. Often times it is better to just take a moment and enjoy what is going on. Up until that point I never really understood the concept but seeing your son in his daily life helped put things into prospective for me. I will never forget to just laugh and relax even when things are tough...."
I got this message from someone I had never met...and since my son passed away..I've received similar tales...stories of how my son, in his short time, had affected others in the most positive light...reflecting on this young man's recall of Adam's makes me extremely proud that I raised him...that this amazing young man, my son...was just that..."my son"...and it made Ted and I pause for a moment...and think that perhaps more of us need to heed those simple instructions...that it's okay not to have control over everything in our lives...and that's exactly how it is right now...and I'll accept it...just being able to see that there are blue skies ahead, in the distance...a sun that will cast new light upon us...and a rainbow far off...ahead of us...and that my son's spirit will ride on my shoulders even in the darkest that I'm never alone....

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