
My Beloved Son

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

sometimes...when you go through a tragedy as I constantly look for answers...and even though a good mind knows there really aren't any that will satisfy---you still quest on...answers? I see they aren't there---at least in solid form, no true definitive questions to a myriad of mind boggling "Whys" that I have imposed upon myself...wondering if Adam is okay...if he misses me/us...if he knew how much love was felt for him then---and now? Someone suggested I talk with a ease this pain of not knowing...and I did, it was just two weeks ago. I guess I thought I'd go in there getting the answers that I needed...but I didn't, but the one thing I did get was another type of Peace...the kind you get when your Faith is so strong that you need not question another human being---the kind of Peace that knowing in my heart---anything else that anyone else could say---or Hope for, truly doesn't matter...if my belief is strong, then I know in my heart, that he is safe and well, in God's arms...and that he is waiting for my time...and for Ted and Jordan to rejoin again as a family for eternity...words...mean little...I'm sure there are people with "gifts"...they possess Spirit and perhaps can see a little farther ahead than others...but then again so do I. I can't tell you what you had for lunch yesterday----or what your future will hold, but my gift of optimism is rare....and I know I have a heartfelt and compelling nature that nurtures love and friendship...and that I have a purpose...perhaps the things that someone like the elderly clairvoyant who spoke with me can ease the pains of aching hearts...for that, it is a Blessing, for me, our visit just reinforced my commitment to God in knowing he'll guide me, as long as I keep my heart open...

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