
My Beloved Son

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dear Adam...
Sometimes I want to write on your facebook wall and let your friends know how much you loved them...I still read the things they write and knowing them and knowing the depths of you...from being your mom...I knew how deeply the love you held inside your heart ran...and my own heart breaks, I know how much your absence has affected so many others...some days I'll pass someone and catch my breath....wondering if a day should come and go without them batting back tears? I think to myself, "how can this be?"...the unfairness of it all...that I much now be forced to live a life without you? And all the times as children are told "you only have one life so live it wisely and live it well? my case, it didn't ring true because you see and I followed that guidance and now we, must live a life that remains without you, our puzzle is missing a key piece...we are like a car without a wheel...a table missing a leg...the three of us try to do the best we can, but it's been so darn hard. And often others have no understanding of the magnitude of loss...we heal...I see that, but it's a long and arduous process...I've felt strong some days and weak on others...the roller coaster still drags me on board for rides no one else could fathom...I wait for God to give me Peace...I wait patiently knowing you would have never meant to leave any of us...and that you loved each one of us in your own special way...

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