
My Beloved Son

Friday, March 18, 2011

....never let them get you down....sometimes bad relationships are like drug addictions...bad marriages...troubled friends....misery is like a sinking ship...and those on that ship are pulling others on board only to have them sink along with them....toxic friends are like heroin...Valium...or morphine...or whatever addictive drug you can compare it to...Adam's death saved's become a sad tale we as his family must now live and breathe...especially to "have not known" and "have not possessed the mere chances" of hope to recognize and prevent...and through the past 13 months of ongoing pain and misery...our own personal loss...our deepest wishes now are that others will learn from this. I've never been an expert on anything, not at all...I pale in so many ways...but the one thing I think I always had was compassion...and through this journey...I hope to promote healing as I continue to heal...I hope others look at us...the most unsuspecting family and see that "this" truly can pick anyone if it chose us...there is a randomness of it all...drugs cross all genres...all walks of life and shows no discrimination...and it's family members like us...who are forever altered...but perhaps seeing us...and the sadness that follows...will show others that the worst case scenerio...can really happen to them...

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