and old friend writes me frequently, her words always hold Faith and optimism...her most recent note told me a tale of her own personal feelings of loss...of another young person who died too soon....too early..."there still isn’t a day that passes that I don’t think of her. Isn’t that a tribute? A gentle friend's memory, and her essence, are still alive and well despite all these passing years! We talked about her and just the kind of good person she was—always had a smile—and could give you one, too! She still holds a special place. Gone from our “family” but never from our hearts. Thought you might find some comfort in hearing that because people will always have Adam’s memory, and essence, with them too. And that “feeling” in their hearts that HE LEFT THEM! That’s the best tribute you get in life, leaving those kinds of impressions on hearts that you are never forgotten no matter how many years pass! I just find that to be such an awesome and extremely touching thought! Not everyone leaves that, you know. But you know Adam did……………"....I know how many hearts his heart has touched...countless hearts....I wonder somedays if I will ever meet someone else like him...his zest...his sincerity...he always wanted to believe in people...somehow...somewhere...he had gifts...amazing gifts...his love ran so deeply and his compassion was compelling...impressions...his imprints are deeply rooted in every piece of my being...